Sarim Burney Case Updates: Bail Denied in Children Smuggling Allegation

In a significant development, social worker Sarim Burney was denied bail by a local court in a high-profile children smuggling case. Judicial Magistrate (East) Khaliq ul Zaman made the ruling following the conclusion of arguments from both Burney’s defense and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) prosecution.

Case Background and Allegations

Sarim Burney, head of the Sarim Burney Welfare Trust International, was arrested on June 5 at Jinnah International Airport upon his return from the United States. He faces serious charges including human trafficking, smuggling, and unlawfully sending children to the US. The accusations came to light following a complaint from American authorities.

The FIA has alleged that Burney was involved in smuggling as many as 20 children to the United States. One particular case involves a newborn girl named Haya, whom Burney allegedly purchased from her parents for Rs1 million before sending her abroad.

Court Proceedings and Arguments

During the court proceedings, the FIA prosecutor argued against granting bail, stating that additional evidence needed to be gathered. The prosecutor emphasized that releasing Burney on bail could compromise the ongoing investigation, adding that Burney had been deceptive throughout the process. The prosecutor also revealed that new discoveries had emerged during the investigation.

Furthermore, it was pointed out that the mother of baby Haya had approached Burney to retrieve her daughter, but he refused to comply.

Burney’s defense counsel contended that the FIA had not conducted a thorough investigation and argued that all legal protocols were followed in the adoption process of baby Haya. The defense claimed that the couple who adopted the baby from the hospital entrusted her to the Sarim Burney Trust. They also accused the FIA of making unsubstantiated allegations.

Previous Court Orders and Current Status

Earlier, the court had granted a two-day physical remand of Sarim Burney, handing him over to the FIA for further investigation. Despite the defense’s efforts to secure bail, the court’s decision to deny the request underscores the seriousness of the charges and the ongoing investigative requirements.

Sarim Burney, renowned for his social work and welfare activities, now finds himself at the center of a grave legal battle, with significant implications for his future and the operations of his non-profit organization.

Implications and Next Steps

The case has attracted widespread attention due to Burney’s prominent position in the social sector. The denial of bail marks a critical juncture in the investigation, suggesting that authorities are committed to thoroughly investigating the allegations. The next steps will likely involve further gathering of evidence by the FIA and continued legal proceedings.

As the case progresses, it remains to be seen how these serious allegations will impact Sarim Burney and his welfare organization. The developments will be closely monitored by both national and international observers.

Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra, an MBA holder with four years of content writing experience, is a versatile writer adept in news, blogs, and articles. Specializing in SEO content, she combines business insight with engaging storytelling. Keen on staying updated with industry trends, Syeda crafts compelling and high-ranking content that resonates with her audience.


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