Balkaur Singh, the father of late Indian singer Sidhu Moosewala, joyfully announced the birth of a baby boy on Sunday. The news, reported by Indian media, brought a wave of happiness to Moosewala’s family and fans alike.
The proud father took to Facebook to share the delightful moment, posting a heartwarming picture of the newborn alongside a celebratory cake, with Moosewala’s photo adorning the background. The announcement marks a significant event for the family, especially considering Moosewala was their only child.
Last year, Moosewala’s parents opted for the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) technique, a decision that has now brought them the joy of welcoming a new member into their family. Despite keeping the news under wraps for some time and requesting privacy from the media, the arrival of their baby boy has been met with immense love and support from fans.
Moosewala, known for his exceptional talent as a singer and rapper, tragically lost his life on May 29, 2022. The circumstances surrounding his death involved gang violence, with Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar claiming responsibility for the act. Despite this tragic event, Moosewala’s music continued to resonate with audiences, with posthumously released songs amassing millions of views.
Upon sharing the news of their newborn, Balkaur Singh was inundated with congratulatory messages from emotional fans, highlighting the enduring impact Moosewala’s legacy has had on the music industry and his devoted followers.