Under the leadership of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, the Punjab government has launched the Nigehban Ramadan Package, a program designed to provide support during the holy month of Ramadan. This initiative aims to assist every household by offering free Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat and subsidies at utility stores.
How to Apply:
Registration for the Nigehban Ramadan Package is now open online. Families already enrolled in the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) with a Poverty Means Test (PMT) score below 32 will automatically qualify for this assistance.
For new registrations, an online portal has been established under the Nigehban Free Ita Scheme. To apply, visit the official website and complete the registration form with accurate details such as name, contact number, national identity card number, and other required information.
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants will undergo verification and eligibility checks based on criteria outlined in the Caretaker Relief Package. Those meeting the following conditions will be considered eligible:
- Poverty score below 30 percent
- Income below 60 thousand rupees
- No international travel history or passport generation
- No vehicle registered in the applicant’s name
Upon verification and approval, eligible applicants will receive a free Ehsaas Rashan Riayat and three bags of 10 kg flour from utility stores.
Disqualification Conditions:
Certain conditions disqualify individuals from applying for the Nigehban Ramadan Package, including:
- Income exceeding 60 thousand rupees
- Vehicle registered under the applicant’s name
- Poverty score exceeding 30 percent
- Ownership of registered land
- Performance of Hajj or Umrah
The online application process provides an accessible way for eligible individuals to avail themselves of the Nigehban Ramadan Package, ensuring that assistance reaches those in need during this sacred time. Apply now and benefit from this initiative by the Punjab government.