Bollywood actress and dancer Malaika Arora is mourning the loss of her father, Anil Arora. Indian media reports reveal that her ex-husband, actor Arbaaz Khan, was one of the first to arrive at her home to offer his condolences. The news has left the film industry and fans in shock.
According to reports, Anil Arora tragically passed away after allegedly committing suicide by jumping from the roof. His sudden demise has left behind his two daughters, Malaika and Amrita Arora, along with his wife, Joyce Polycarp.
As soon as the news surfaced, police were seen at the actress’s residence, where they launched an investigation into the tragic event. Arbaaz Khan, who was formerly married to Malaika, was also spotted outside the house, offering his support during this difficult time.
Fans and celebrities alike are sharing their condolences with the family, as the investigation into Anil Arora’s death continues.