Amid ongoing speculation, actor Gohar Rasheed has found himself in the spotlight after a video allegedly showing his Nikah went viral online. With rumors of a relationship with fellow actress Kubra Khan circulating for years, this recent development has fans questioning whether the two stars have secretly tied the knot.
Viral Video Sparks Marriage Rumors
The video in question shows Gohar Rasheed dressed in a white shalwar kameez, seated before a Nikah registrar. Joining him in the footage are well-known celebrities Bilal Lashari and Hamza Ali Abbasi, adding further intrigue to the clip. While fans speculate that this could be Gohar’s own Nikah ceremony, others suggest it might be from Hamza Ali Abbasi’s wedding, leaving the truth ambiguous.
Gohar Rasheed and Kubra Khan’s Relationship Timeline
Rumors of Gohar Rasheed and Kubra Khan’s relationship have persisted over the years. The two stars, known for their chemistry on and off the screen, have often been seen together, fueling speculation about their romantic involvement.
Recent rumors suggest that the duo is preparing for their wedding in Karachi. This speculation gained momentum when Gohar posted a lively video on Instagram with the caption: “Bismillah 2025, warming up.” The video features Gohar and Kubra sharing laughs and moments with friends, which many fans interpreted as a pre-wedding celebration or dance practice for their big day.
Fans Await Official Confirmation
Despite the viral video and growing rumors, both Gohar Rasheed and Kubra Khan have remained silent about their relationship status. Neither has confirmed nor denied the possibility of their marriage, leaving fans eagerly awaiting an official announcement.
Social Media Reactions
Social media platforms are abuzz with reactions, as fans and followers share their theories and congratulate the stars prematurely. While some fans are convinced that the couple has secretly tied the knot, others urge patience until an official confirmation is made.
Is the Gohar Rasheed-Kubra Khan Nikah True?
As of now, there is no confirmation regarding Gohar Rasheed and Kubra Khan’s Nikah. The viral video, coupled with ongoing rumors, has undoubtedly created a buzz, but the truth remains shrouded in mystery. Fans will have to wait for an official statement from the stars to know whether this is another rumor or the start of a new chapter for the beloved actors.
Stay tuned for updates on this developing story as more details emerge.