Government Imposes New Tax on Prize Bonds, Lotteries, and Sukuk Investments

In a move to bolster revenue generation, the federal government has introduced new tax measures in the Finance Bill 2024, affecting winnings from prize bonds, lotteries, and returns on Sukuk investments.

Prize Bonds and Lotteries: New Fixed Tax Rates

The Finance Bill 2024 outlines a clear structure for taxing winnings from prize bonds, lotteries, and related activities:

  • Prize Bonds and Crossword Puzzles: A fixed tax rate of 15% will imposed on winnings from prize bonds and crossword puzzles. This aims to streamline the taxation process and ensure consistent revenue from these popular activities.
  • Raffles, Lotteries, and Promotional Sales Quizzes: Winners from raffles, lotteries, and promotional sales quizzes will face a 20% tax rate. This higher rate reflects the government’s strategy to maximize revenue from high-value prize activities.

Sukuk Investments: Targeted Taxation

The government has also set new tax rates for returns on Sukuk investments, differentiated by the amount of returns and the type of investor:

  • For Individuals and Associations of Persons (AOPs):
  • Returns less than Rs. 1 million: A 10% tax rate will apply, making it more manageable for smaller investors.
  • Returns exceeding Rs. 1 million: A higher tax rate of 12.5% will imposed, targeting higher returns for additional revenue.
  • For Companies and Entities: A fixed tax rate of 25% will applied to all returns from Sukuk investments, irrespective of the amount. This uniform rate intended to ensure significant contributions from corporate investors.

Impact and Rationale

These new tax measures reflect the government’s commitment to enhancing revenue from diverse financial activities. By setting clear and consistent tax rates, the government aims to provide clarity and predictability in the taxation process, potentially influencing how individuals and entities approach investments and prize-based activities.

These changes are part of broader efforts to create a more structured approach to taxation, ensuring that the government can effectively tap into various revenue streams to support public finances.

The introduction of fixed tax rates on prize bonds, lotteries, and Sukuk investments in the Finance Bill 2024 marks a significant step in the government’s revenue generation strategy. These measures expected to provide a more transparent and consistent taxation framework, impacting how winners and investors manage their earnings and investments.

Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra, an MBA holder with four years of content writing experience, is a versatile writer adept in news, blogs, and articles. Specializing in SEO content, she combines business insight with engaging storytelling. Keen on staying updated with industry trends, Syeda crafts compelling and high-ranking content that resonates with her audience.


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