Riyal To PKR And Currency Rate In Pakistan Today, 2 November 2020

Currency Rates In Pakistan Today

According to the latest currency rates in Pakistan today, 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR and 1 USD to PKR rate is Rs 41.8 and Rs 159.6 respectively. Read the full article regarding the Dollar exchange rate and other currencies.

Today currency rate in Pakistan on 2 November 2020 revealed the fluctuation in different currencies including United States Dollar, British Pound, Saudi Riyal, Canadian Dollar, Euro, UAE Dirham, Australian Dollar, etc.

Dollar To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Dollar to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 159.6 and Rs 160.3 respectively.

Pound To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Pound to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 206.1 and Rs 210.1 respectively.

Euro To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Euro to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 186.1 and Rs 188.6 respectively.

Riyal to PKR Rate In Pakistan

Riyal to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 41.8 and Rs 42.4 respectively.

Dirham to PKR Rate In Pakistan

Dirham to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 43 and Rs 43.5 respectively.

Today Currency Rate In Pakistan

Check the?updated and complete list of currency rate in Pakistan today?(Updated, on 2nd November).

SymbolCurrency NameBuying RateSelling Rate
USDUS Dollar159.6160.3
GBPBritish Pound206.1210.1
SARSaudi Riyal41.842.4
AEDUAE Dirham4343.5
AUDAustralian Dollar111.1114.1
KWDKuwaiti Dinar498500.5
CADCanadian Dollar118.6120.6
CNYChinese Yuan23.7523.9
INRIndian Rupee2.152.22
Umer Malik
Umer Malikhttp://hamariweb.com/
Umer Malik is dedicated Editor at Hamariweb news section with over 8 years experience in web publishing.


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