Today 1 AED to PKR conversion rate is PKR 61.01 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. U.A.E Dirham to PKR buying and selling rates are different in inter bank and currency exchange or open market rates. U.A.E Dirham to Pakistani Rupee has increased PKR 0.13 or 0.214% on trading in Interbank rate. Use the calculator below to convert currencies online.
AED Performance Against PKR
Yesterday’s performance of the Pakistan Rupee against the AED shows a PKR 0 or 0% decrease in value. Monthly AED to PKR fluctuation over the last 30 days shows an increase of PKR 2.3 and 3.59 in percentage terms. Yearly performance of UAE Dirham to Pakistani Rupee difference shows an increase of PKR 17.8 and 36.63% in value.
The exchange rate between AED and PKR has consistently been high due to the Emirati Dirham’s continued peg to the US Dollar. Being a neighbor and having ties to the UAE has never before had a favourable effect on the exchange rate. The exchange rate for AED was 22.66 PKR exactly 9 years ago, and instead of staying constant, it has continued to rise to the point where exchange rates are now wildly irrational. AED to PKR exchange rate is currently 66.4 in open market.
Check: UAE Dirham to PKR Rate History
AED to PKR Interbank Rates History
Today | 60.93 | 61.01 |
24 Nov, 22 | 60.93 | 61.01 |
23 Nov, 22 | 60.80 | 60.88 |
22 Nov, 22 | 60.73 | 60.81 |
21 Nov, 22 | 60.86 | 60.94 |
20 Nov, 22 | 60.67 | 60.75 |
19 Nov, 22 | 60.67 | 60.75 |
18 Nov, 22 | 60.67 | 60.75 |
17 Nov, 22 | 60.51 | 60.59 |
16 Nov, 22 | 60.46 | 60.54 |
15 Nov, 22 | 60.37 | 60.46 |