Today Currency Rate In Pakistan, 25th June 2020

Today Currency Rate In Pakistan ? Euro, Dirham, Dollar, Riyal, Pound Rates on 25 June 2020.

Today currency rate in Pakistan is now updated and you can check international currencies as of 25th June 2020. You can easily check USD to PKR, GBP to PKR, EUR to PKR, SAR to PKR, AED to PKR and other currency rates.

Dollar To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Dollar to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 167 and Rs 167.5 respectively.

Pound To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Pound to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 206 and Rs 211 respectively.

Euro To PKR Rate In Pakistan

Euro to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 187 and Rs 191 respectively.

Riyal to PKR Rate In Pakistan

Riyal to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 43.7 and Rs 44.2 respectively.

Dirham to PKR Rate In Pakistan

Dirham to PKR buying rate and selling rate are Rs 44.5 and Rs 45 respectively.

Today Currency Rate In Pakistan

Check the updated list of currency rate in Pakistan (Updated, on 25th June).

SymbolCurrency NameBuying RateSelling Rate
USDUS Dollar167167.5
GBPBritish Pound206211
SARSaudi Riyal43.744.2
AEDUAE Dirham44.545
AUDAustralian Dollar114118
KWDKuwaiti Dinar516.5519
CADCanadian Dollar122126
CNYChinese Yuan22.923.05
INRIndian Rupee2.112.18
Shahzaib Dyer
Shahzaib Dyer
Shahzaib is content writer with over five years of professional experience. He is creative, hardworking, and possess extensive research skills. Being analytical in approach is highly reflected in his writing.


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