Today 1 USD to PKR conversion rate is PKR 290.00 in the open market. Saudi Riyal to PKR buying and selling rates differ in interbank and currency exchange or open market rates.
Open Market Rate
28 Jun 23 | PKR 287.50 | PKR 290.00 |
The dollar to Pakistani Rupee currency exchange rate fluctuates almost on a daily basis. US Dollar to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates that are set by the dealers of currency exchange in Pakistan. As per the current scenario, the dollar is touching the sky against the Pakistani currency. Stay tuned to get the latest information regarding USD to PKR exchange rates in an open market.
USD to PKR Interbank Rates History
Today | 285.49 | 285.99 |
28 Jun, 23 | 285.49 | 285.99 |
27 Jun, 23 | 286.21 | 286.71 |
26 Jun, 23 | 286.24 | 286.74 |
25 Jun, 23 | 286.24 | 286.74 |
24 Jun, 23 | 286.24 | 286.74 |
23 Jun, 23 | 286.23 | 286.73 |
22 Jun, 23 | 286.48 | 286.98 |
21 Jun, 23 | 286.72 | 287.22 |
20 Jun, 23 | 286.76 | 287.26 |
19 Jun, 23 | 286.69 | 287.19 |
Disclaimer: We provide daily updates for AED to PKR, SAR to PKR, USD to PKR, and other exchange rates in Pakistan as provided by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). Again, this is the official currency exchange rate provided by the banking regulator daily.