In a groundbreaking move, the educational landscape set for a significant transformation as the new academic year is scheduled to kick off on April 1, culminating on February 28, 2025. The release of the academic year and examination system schedule has sparked anticipation and discussions among stakeholders.
Government School Examinations:
- Annual examinations for grades one through eight in government schools slated to commence on March 7, concluding by March 20.
- Results for these examinations will be announced on March 31, paving the way for the initiation of new classes in the first week of April.
Matriculation and Intermediate Board Examinations:
- Board examinations for matriculation set to begin on March 1, while intermediate (FA, FSC) examinations will take place from May 5.
Phased Admissions in Government Schools:
- Admissions in government schools will be conduct in two phases.
- The first phase, from March 1 to May 31, will be follow by the second phase, scheduled from August 15 to October 31.
- Summer vacations scheduled from June 2 to August.
Admission Targets and Current Enrollment:
- The new admissions target ambitiously set at ten percent of the existing enrollment data, encompassing 1 crore 19 lakh students in over 48 thousand schools.
- For the academic year 2024, the target is more focused, aiming for 12 to 13 lakh new students.
Educational Scenario in Punjab:
- A noteworthy statistic reveals that 1 crore 30 lakh children in Punjab are currently not attending school.
Free Textbook Distribution:
- Initiating from April 15, the Education Department will distribute free textbooks among students in government schools.
These educational reforms promise to usher in a new era of learning, with a focus on accessibility, inclusivity, and targeted improvements in the academic landscape. As the new academic year unfolds, it is pois to bring positive changes to the educational journey of millions of students across the region.