In Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), schools are set to reopen on January 6, 2025, following an extension of winter vacations due to severe cold weather. The AJK Education Department announced that all public and private educational institutions will remain closed until January 4, 2025, to ensure the safety of students and staff.
Sindh Schools Winter Vacations Extended?
Schools in Sindh resumed classes on January 1, 2025, after the scheduled winter break from December 21 to December 31, 2024. The Sindh Education Department confirmed that all educational institutions have reopened as planned, and regular academic activities have resumed.
Winter Vacation in Punjab Extended
Meanwhile, in Punjab, the winter break has been extended, with schools now scheduled to reopen on January 13, 2025. The Punjab Education Department revised the holiday schedule to accommodate the ongoing cold weather, ensuring a uniform break for both public and private schools across the province.
Parents and students in all regions are advised to stay informed about any further updates regarding school schedules and to take necessary precautions during the winter season.