Pakistani actor Feroze Khan, known for his roles in hit dramas like “Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai,” has once again become the center of attention as another video from his second marriage goes viral. Following the buzz created by his Mehndi ceremony video, the latest clip showcases the actor in a golden sherwani, holding hands with his bride clad in a stunning red dress.
The heartwarming video captures the couple’s intimate moments, reflecting the joy and celebration of their union. Feroze Khan’s second marriage comes after his high-profile divorce with ex-wife Syeda Aliza Sultan. The actor’s new beginning with a bride from outside the industry has captivated fans and followers alike, marking a new chapter in his life.
As the video spreads across social media platforms, it adds to the festivities and public interest surrounding the actor’s milestones. Despite the challenges of his past, including a widely publicized custody battle over his two children, Feroze Khan’s latest marriage signifies a fresh start.