Famous YouTuber and vlogger Junaid Akram has recently apologized to his fans for a paid video promoting Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz’s 100-day performance. In a heartfelt YouTube update, Akram acknowledged the disappointment his fans felt and expressed regret for the situation. He announced his intention to donate the earnings from the video to support his library project, showing his commitment to positive community impact.
Previously, Akram faced backlash on social media for the paid video, which highlighted the Punjab government’s accomplishments under Maryam Nawaz’s leadership. He explained that he gathered information about these public welfare projects from a friend, but this did not sit well with many viewers, who accused him of prioritizing financial gain over integrity.
In his response video, Akram addressed the concerns directly, clarifying that there was no external pressure to create the content; it was simply a request. He reassured fans that he values his responsibility to use his platform for good and has a history of producing educational content and social welfare initiatives. He noted his previous refusal to promote harmful products and even took legal action to advocate for more educational content on media channels.
Akram emphasized that he aimed to provide a platform for the government to share their plans with the public, akin to traditional media outlets. He recognized the pain some fans felt regarding the video and reiterated his commitment to community support by inviting viewers to share images of neglected libraries in their areas, promising to send them books.
In this way, Junaid Akram is reaffirming his dedication to his audience while contributing positively to society, proving that even in moments of controversy, he remains focused on uplifting his community.