Mukti Bahini were Militants Trained by India

Javed Jabbar?s upcoming documentary about 1971

tells us how India was the first to start militancy in the region

Indira Gandhi openly stated that India was training and aiding a militant group, Mukti Bahini, in Indian camps to fight a separatist movement in India. In her interviews, shared by Javed Jabbar in his upcoming documentary Separation of East Pakistan – The Untold Story, we can hear her admitting her support to those who wanted a divided Pakistan.

The documentary that is to be released on December 16, 2021, unfurls the truth with hard facts and credible evidence of how India, aided by its ally and close friend, Sheikh Mujibur Rehman was on a path to annihilate Pakistan and how Kissinger and Nixon were convinced that Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was using the civil war in East Pakistan as a cover for destroying West Pakistan to establish Indian dominance over the Asian subcontinent. The documentary will reveal the role Soviet Union played in breaking up the region to achieve its political motives with the help of India.

Javed Jabbar, supported by a panel of international and national experts, analysts, journalists, historian and public servants of the time, proves that the contrary to the claims that the ?Liberation Struggle? was based on non-cooperation and non-violent it was very much an extremely violent and brutal movement against the Non-Bengalis and those supporting a united Pakistan. The documentary will also lay bare the truth of the false numbers of death and rapes, that are constantly hurled at Pakistan as an excuse for the direct involvement of India in the war.

The documentary will also reveal how Sheikh Mujibur Rehman did not want independence from Pakistan but a confederation. His surprise at finding out there was an independent nation is just one of the many points disclosed in the documentary.

In the documentary, Javed Jabbar and experts have been honest in sharing the misguided decisions, naivety, and political immaturity of the leadership of West Pakistan, which provided a conducive environment for external forces to play international politics to change the shape of the sub-continent.

The documentary takes a fact-based objective approach devoid of emotions and hyperboles to methodically demystify the history of 1971. The documentary is not about beating chests in victory nor is it about blaming others, it is about the truth behind what really happened. It is a much-needed step towards improving relations between Pakistan and Bangladesh so that India and other external factors can stop using false narratives to promote a culture of hatred in the region. Regardless of the murky history exploited by others, the future needs to be brighter, after all the two countries share the same ideals, which is why they were united in 1947.

The documentary will be released on December 16. More details on the documentary and the subject can be found on

Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra, an MBA holder with four years of content writing experience, is a versatile writer adept in news, blogs, and articles. Specializing in SEO content, she combines business insight with engaging storytelling. Keen on staying updated with industry trends, Syeda crafts compelling and high-ranking content that resonates with her audience.


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