Renowned Pakistani actress Neelam Muneer has officially commenced her wedding festivities, delighting fans with glimpses from her intimate Mayoun ceremony. The actress shared photos on her Instagram, radiating joy in a vibrant yellow kamdani pishwaz designed by Haris Shakeel, complemented by intricate henna adorning her hands.
The Mayoun event, a traditional pre-wedding ceremony, was held at a picturesque location in Karachi, attended by close family and friends. In one of the heartfelt images, Neelam is seen sharing a joyful moment with her mother, encapsulating the essence of familial bonds during such celebrations.
This announcement comes shortly after Neelam addressed marriage speculations during a recent podcast, where she mentioned having no immediate plans for marriage. Her candid revelation, “I don’t have any plans for marriage at the moment. Let’s see what happens,” left fans both surprised and excited when she unveiled her Mayoun ceremony photos.
Neelam Muneer, celebrated for her roles in popular dramas such as “Qaid-e-Tanhai,” “Dil Mom Ka Dia,” and “Kahin Deep Jalay,” as well as films like “Wrong Number” and “Chakkar,” continues to captivate audiences with her talent and charm. Her recent drama “Mehshar” has garnered widespread acclaim, further solidifying her status in the entertainment industry.