How to smell good all day? Tips to make your perfume Last Longer

Most of us use fragrance throughout the day to stay scented, but very few people are aware of the techniques that not only help in selecting the right fragrance but also make the perfume’s scent last for a longer time. This article reveals the science behind selecting the perfect scent and shares techniques to make it linger on the skin for hours.

You will learn how to improve your scent with tips on application and pre-perfume rituals. This will help you leave a great smell wherever you go.

Join us on this fragrant journey to unlock the full potential of your perfume and enjoy an enchanting aroma that lasts throughout the day.

Apply perfume after bathing

Using lukewarm water during bathing opens up the pores of your body, which is the best time to apply perfume. In fact, even if you bathe with cold water, the scent of the perfume applied afterward will last for a longer time. This is because the perfume works best when it comes in contact with clean skin. However, ensure that your body is completely dry before applying the perfume.

Where to apply perfume?

The correct selection of body parts for applying perfume is crucial for prolonging its scent. You would be surprised to know that for long-lasting fragrance, the ideal areas are behind the ears, wrists, neck, chest, knees, and on ankles. These are the warm areas of the body where natural warmth is emitted, which helps the perfume to work effectively.

Use gel or moisturizer

Even if you apply gel or moisturizer on the mentioned body parts before the perfume, it will still help the fragrance last longer. This method is particularly useful for busy individuals who are engaged throughout the day. Moisturizers help prolong the scent of your perfume.

Avoid rubbing perfume on the skin

Most people apply perfume on their wrists and then rub them together, but they are unaware that this practice causes the scent of the perfume to fade quickly. You should apply perfume on your wrists and leave it as it is. The fragrance will naturally spread on its own.

Spray moderately

A strong perfume can become a nuisance for people around you. To achieve a subtle scent, spray the perfume at a distance from your body, allowing it to disperse in the air before walking into it.

Use until the last drop

If your perfume is running out and you can’t spray it anymore, you can mix it with an unscented lotion. Apply this lotion, which now contains the remaining perfume, to your body.

Identifying perfume fragrance at a store

If you want to choose the right fragrance, do not smell the perfume immediately after spraying it on a test strip. Wait for a while and let the perfume dry. The initial spritz of perfume disappears quickly, and its scent cannot be accurately detected.

Taking care of your perfumes

Never store perfume in hot places like a bathroom, as it can negatively affect the fragrance and make it weaker. Always keep your perfume in cool and dimly lit areas, such as a dressing table, and keep it in its original packaging. Also, ensure that the perfume is never directly exposed to sunlight.

Perfuming clothes

To lightly scent your everyday clothes, you can spray a little perfume on tissue paper and place it between the layers of clothing you commonly wear. The tissue paper will transfer a subtle fragrance to all those clothes.

Getting rid of unpleasant odors

If you accidentally apply a perfume whose scent you dislike, it’s not a big issue. You can eliminate the entire scent by rubbing the affected areas with a cotton pad soaked in makeup remover. This will remove the entire fragrance.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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