In a heartwarming turn of events, two young siblings, who had mysteriously vanished from North Nazimabad, Karachi, have been safely returned to their family. The joyful news was shared by their mother via social media from Dubai, expressing her profound relief and gratitude for their safe return.
The children were found in Hyderi, dropped off by the unknown individuals responsible for their disappearance. The siblings, upon their return, recounted an unsettling tale of mistreatment at the hands of people they referred to as their “aunty and maternal grandmother.”
The incident took a serious turn when a ransom demand of Rs1 million was made for the children’s release. However, the swift and effective intervention of the Pakistan Rangers Sindh ensured the safe return of the children, averting a potential crisis. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of child safety and the role of law enforcement agencies in ensuring it.