Coronavirus In Pakistan: Two More Test Positive For New COVID 19 Strain

Cases of Coronavirus in Pakistan are increasing as 1,895 new cases and 39 deaths are reported in last 24 hours. Along with that two more cases related to the UK COVID-19 variant were detected in Sindh. Up till, five UK returnees contracted new Coronavirus strain.

The first case of B.1.1.7 (new variant of COVID 19) was found in late September in the Southern England. After that, it is reached in more than 50 countries. As per experts, the new strain of virus is believed to be a variant when it is mutated enough to change the minor portion of the genetic code. However, B.1.1.7 is the recent variant that is found in the United Kingdom.

It is noted that all present COVID-19 variants are related to the Sars-CoV-2 strain and haven?t mutated enough to become a separate strain. According to some UK researchers, it is 70 percent more transmissible as it has 22 coding changes to the virus genome. On the other side, there is not any evidence which proves that it is more deadly than the previous strains or is more resistant towards vaccines.

Umer Malik
Umer Malik
Umer Malik is dedicated Editor at Hamariweb news section with over 8 years experience in web publishing.


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