Karachi welcomed the New Year in style with breathtaking fireworks at the Governor House, organized under the directives of Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori. The event wasn’t just an ordinary celebration—it set a new world record, making the night unforgettable.
The Governor House was packed with excited people, all gathered to witness the historic spectacle. The atmosphere was electric, and cheers filled the air as the fireworks illuminated the Karachi sky with vibrant colors and dazzling lights. It wasn’t just a celebration; it was a statement of pride and unity.
What made the night truly historic was breaking the previous world record for the longest fireworks display. The earlier record of 34 minutes was left behind as the Governor House lit up the sky for a remarkable 40 minutes, creating a moment for Karachi to remember.
Governor Sindh congratulated the crowd on this massive achievement, saying, “We have fulfilled the promise we made to the people.” His words resonated with the attendees, who were thrilled to be part of such a monumental event.
The night ended on a high note, leaving Karachiites in awe and setting the tone for a hopeful and celebratory year ahead.