Karachi Water Boring Regulations Updated by KW&SC

In a decisive move to tackle water theft, the Sindh government approved a groundbreaking policy proposed by the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation (KW&SC) on Saturday. This new initiative aims to safeguard water resources and enhance government revenue.

New Boring water Policy in Pakistan

KW&SC CEO Engr Syed Salahuddin Ahmed emphasized that the newly introduced policy is designed to clamp down on water theft and ensure proper revenue collection. According to the official notification, licences for extracting groundwater in industrial zones will now be valid for two years. Furthermore, all existing licences will be suspended, and meters will be installed on all boreholes.

The new regulations mandate that a licence is essential for using groundwater for industrial purposes. Each licence will cover up to four nearby boreholes or tube wells. For more than four bores, an additional licence will be required.

The notification categorizes groundwater usage into five distinct groups: industrial, groundwater operator, commercial, healthcare and educational institutions, and residential complexes. This categorization aims to streamline the licensing process and ensure compliance across different sectors.

Implementation and Penalties

A five-member committee has been established to oversee the issuance of licences, ensuring a transparent and efficient process. KW&SC’s spokesperson clarified that boreholes must be positioned at least 330 feet away from reservoirs and pumping stations. Strict penalties have been set for non-compliance, with a hefty fine of Rs5 million for those caught stealing or illegally selling water.

This robust policy reflects the Sindh government’s commitment to preserving water resources and maintaining fair usage practices. By enforcing these new regulations, the government aims to create a sustainable and efficient water management system for Karachi’s industrial areas and beyond.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahidhttps://hamariweb.com/
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at hamariweb.com.


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