The Punjab government’s promise to provide bikes to students has been fulfilled quickly. Under the Chief Minister Youth Initiative, both e-bikes and petrol bikes are now available for students. The Chief Minister has set a minimum installment for the e-bike project to make it accessible.
The e-bike project in Punjab is designed to make it easier for students to obtain bikes. Having their transportation will save students time and money daily. Notably, the requirement for parental guarantees has been removed for students without parents. Solarized charging stations will be built across Punjab to support e-bike charging.
Additionally, students will receive insurance and a warranty for the e-bike batteries. Safety measures like helmets and kite protection are mandatory with the bikes. These solar-powered charging stations will also be established in colleges and universities, ensuring that students can easily charge their e-bikes on campus.
This initiative is a significant step towards improving student mobility and reducing their daily commute challenges. The provision of both e-bikes and petrol bikes under this scheme shows a commitment to addressing students’ transportation needs. By removing the parental guarantee requirement and ensuring easy access to charging stations, the project aims to be inclusive and supportive of all students.