Oldest Hajj Pilgrim of 2024 Receives Warm Welcome in Saudi Arabia

In a heartwarming and poignant chapter of this year’s Hajj, Saudi Arabia embraced the oldest Hajj pilgrim and mourned the youngest ones who participated in this sacred journey.

Among the pilgrims, Sarahouda Stiti, a remarkable 130-year-old woman from Algeria, stood out as the oldest Hajj pilgrim. She landed at Jeddah International Airport on June 10, where Saudi officials and the Algerian Hajj mission warmly welcomed her. Despite her age, Stiti was in good health but under careful medical supervision. Her incredible determination to perform Hajj has captured the admiration of people worldwide. Saudi Airlines recognized her arrival with special honors, marking her as this year’s oldest pilgrim to the Kingdom. This touching event quickly spread across social media, drawing global attention. Stiti expressed deep gratitude for the warm reception and the excellent services provided to her and her fellow pilgrims.

Youngest Hajj Pilgrim Death 2024

The Hajj season also witnessed a sorrowful incident involving Yahya Mohammed Ramadan, an Egyptian child from Kafr El Sheikh province. Yahya, known for his touching photo in Ihram clothes at the Kaaba, shared by his mother on social media, captured the hearts of many with his innocent smile. Tragically, shortly after the photo went viral, Yahya’s life was cut short due to a fall from a roof in Makkah. He became the youngest pilgrim to pass away this season. Yahya was laid to rest in Makkah, with a funeral prayer held in his honor.

These two stories highlight the emotional spectrum of Hajj 2024, celebrating life and dedication, while also mourning an unexpected loss. As millions gather for this significant Islamic pilgrimage, the journeys of the oldest Hajj pilgrim, Sarahouda, and the youngest, Yahya, serve as profound reminders of the beauty and fragility of life.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahidhttps://hamariweb.com/
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at hamariweb.com.


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