The Punjab government is gearing up for the much-anticipated balloting event for the Chief Minister’s Bike Scheme 2024, scheduled for May 10. This initiative aims to distribute a total of 20,000 bikes, comprising 19,000 petrol motorcycles and 1,000 electric bikes, among deserving students through a fair and transparent balloting process.
In a bid to promote accessibility and equal opportunity, the distribution plan allocates 11,676 petrol bikes for male students and 7,324 for female students. Likewise, 700 electric bikes are earmarked for male students, with 300 reserved for their female counterparts.
Under the scheme guidelines, the financing for electric bikes is limited to Rs250,000, while for petrol bikes, it stands at Rs150,000. Students opting for bikes exceeding these price caps will need to cover the excess amount upfront to the Bank of Punjab (BOP) once their selection is confirmed by BOP. It’s important to note that any costs beyond these predefined limits will not be covered by the Punjab Government, and bike selection must be made from the available options on the designated web portal.
The balloting process, overseen by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), will be conducted electronically to ensure transparency and fairness. Although reports suggest the balloting will take place today, there is yet to be an official confirmation from the authorities.
Following the balloting, the list of successful candidates will be promptly updated and shared by the government. This step is crucial in maintaining transparency and ensuring that the distribution process remains impartial and efficient.
The Chief Minister’s Bike Scheme 2024 represents a significant effort by the Punjab government to empower students with mobility solutions, enabling them to pursue their educational goals with greater ease and convenience.