The Punjab government has kick-started a unique initiative aimed at empowering students. Under the banner of the Chief Minister Youth Initiative, the government is offering a whopping 20,000 bikes on easy installments. This includes 19,000 petrol bikes and 1,000 e-bikes.
The scheme is designed to ease the financial burden on students. The government will shoulder the markup subsidy and down payment. A down payment of Rs 20,000 is required, followed by manageable monthly installments over two years. Male students will have a monthly installment of Rs 11,676, while female students will pay Rs 7,325 per month.
The program is set to roll out in Faisalabad, Multan, Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi, and Lahore first. Students from both public and private universities who are over 18 and possess a driving license or learner’s permit can apply online until April 29th.
Eligibility for the Punjab CM Bike Scheme
- Must be a student and resident of Punjab.
- Must hold a Learner’s permit or driving license of Punjab.
Application Process for the Punjab Bike Scheme
- Visit the official portal
- Locate the registration section on the site.
- Fill in all details in the registration form and upload the required documents.
- Double-check the information entered.
- Submit the registration form.
Deadline for the Punjab Bike Scheme
The last date to apply for the Punjab Motorcycle Scheme registration is April 29.