The Punjab e-Bike Scheme, a brainchild of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, set to make a significant stride. The government of Punjab has declared the date for the much-anticipated balloting. This initiative, aimed at empowering deserving students, has garnered an impressive response, with applications exceeding the 100,000 mark.
Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan presided over a meeting to assess the scheme’s progress, which set to provide 20,000 bikes to deserving students. The meeting concluded with the decision to hold the balloting for 20,000 bikes on May 10.
The project, launched under the Chief Minister Youth Initiative on April 12, offers students the opportunity to own motorcycles and e-bikes through affordable monthly installment plans. Male students can avail this offer at Rs 11,676 per month, while female students can do so at Rs 7,325 per month.
The scheme ensures gender equality with a 50/50 quota reserved for male and female students in urban areas. In contrast, rural areas will have a 70/30 quota for male and female students, respectively.
In Lahore, the distribution of motorcycles will be based on each district’s population density, ensuring fair access for students across the region. This initiative by CM Punjab, Maryam Nawaz, is a significant step towards empowering students and promoting sustainable transportation.