Karachi judicial magistrate has issued an arrest order (non-bailable) for social media star Sahil Adeem. The order came after Adeem allegedly used offensive language against the Sindhi community. Judge Sher Muhammad has directed the authorities to arrest Adeem and present him in court by September 24.
Advocate Abdul Fateh Chandio, the plaintiff in the case, expressed frustration over Adeem’s continuous absence from court hearings. According to Chandio, Adeem did not appear in court for three months. In response, an application has also been filed to add Adeem’s name to the Exit Control List (ECL) to prevent him from leaving the country.
This isn’t Adeem’s first time involved in controversy. He previously stirred public outrage with remarks on a TV program where he claimed that 95% of women in Pakistan were “jahil” (ignorant). His controversial statements continue to spark heated debates on social media and have attracted legal trouble.