In an exciting development ahead of Shab-e-Barat in Pakistan, Sunni Tehreek’s senior leader, Muhammad Shahid Ghauri, has unveiled plans for reception camps to be established nationwide. These camps aim to warmly welcome pilgrims and visitors, enhancing their experience during this auspicious occasion.
With a focus on creating a hospitable environment, written requests have been submitted to relevant institutions for comprehensive cleaning and lighting arrangements at graveyards. Moreover, the Sunni Tehreek is set to introduce additional amenities such as milk sabeel and tea bottles to further facilitate attendees.
Addressing a gathering of District and Sector Convenors at the Ahle Sunnat Center, Ghauri emphasized the importance of maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, including streets and cemeteries. He called upon concerned institutions to take proactive measures in this regard, ensuring a pleasant environment for all participants.
The initiative not only underscores the commitment of Pakistan Sunni Tehreek to religious observances but also reflects a dedication to community welfare and inclusivity. As preparations gear up for Shab-e-Barat 2024 in Pakistan, anticipation mounts for a memorable and spiritually enriching experience for all.