Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced a groundbreaking initiative to provide free 3-marla residential plots to deserving families. The announcement came during the inauguration of the Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme in Kala Shah Kaku under the Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar Program.
Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme: A Milestone in Affordable Housing
The Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme is a flagship housing project offering interest-free loans of up to Rs1.5 million to help families build their homes. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the Chief Minister highlighted the rapid progress of the project, which has already delivered homes to 100 families in just two and a half months.
Each house in the scheme built with an area of 400 square feet, including two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a courtyard. The homes designed to be earthquake-proof, energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable, utilizing advanced EPS Smart Panel Technology.
Facilities in Maskan Ravi Scheme
The Maskan Ravi Scheme offers a range of facilities for residents, including:
- A 5 kW solar system for each house
- An RO plant for clean drinking water
- A school, playground, mosque, and dispensary within the community
The scheme is a joint venture between the Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) and EPS Solutions Pakistan, reflecting a commitment to modern, sustainable housing.
Free 3-Marla Plots Scheme Announced
During the event, CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif announced a new scheme to provide free 3-marla residential plots to deserving individuals. This initiative aims to extend affordable housing solutions to more families across Punjab.
The Chief Minister expressed satisfaction with the quality of construction and facilities provided in the completed homes. Allotment letters and keys handed over to 100 families during the ceremony, marking a significant milestone in the provincial government’s mission to improve housing accessibility.
Transforming Punjab’s Housing Landscape
The launch of the Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar Program and the new free plot scheme underline the Punjab government’s dedication to providing affordable and sustainable housing for underprivileged communities.
For more updates on the Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme and the 3-Marla Free Plot Scheme, stay tuned.