Shahid Afridi, the former captain of Pakistan cricket team, shared the adorable appreciation note on Twitter for his daughters. He said that he considers them as the wonderful gift of Allah.
He shared pictures with her cute youngest daughter and said �My daughters are the most wonderful gift of Allah in my life! Didn’t get to spend much time with my other daughters especially when they were growing up, feel blessed that now I have the time to see Arwa grow. May Allah bless her and protect her as well as children all around.�
Boom Boom Shahid Afridi has five daughters, all of whom he loves so much, as it is visible from his social media posts. It is noted that Arwa is the latest addition in the family and was born earlier this year. However, all of her daughters have names with �A� that are Aqsa, Ansha, Ajwa, and Asmara.