As millions gathered along the riverbanks in Prayagraj for the world’s largest religious gathering, the Maha Kumbh Mela, a young garland seller from Indore unexpectedly became an internet sensation. Moni Bhonsle, a 16-year-old vendor, captivated online audiences with her striking beauty, leading many to compare her to the famous “Mona Lisa.” Viral videos of Moni circulated widely, drawing massive attention from social media users worldwide.
Did Moni Bhonsle Earn Rs 100 Million?
Following her sudden fame, rumors began circulating that Moni Bhonsle had earned Rs 100 million in just 10 days from garland sales at the Maha Kumbh Mela. Various social media posts and even reports cited this claim, with many believing that her viral popularity had led to immense financial gains.
However, Moni herself dismissed these claims outright. In an interview with The Times of India, she responded, “If I earned so much money, then why would I live here and why would I sell garlands?” Her statement clarified that the viral rumors were highly exaggerated and did not reflect her actual financial reality.
The Reality of Moni Bhonsle’s Situation
Instead of bringing prosperity, Moni’s internet fame had unintended consequences. Her father shared that rather than buying garlands, many visitors were more interested in taking selfies and recording videos with Moni, which negatively impacted their business. The overwhelming attention also led to harassment and disruptions in their daily life.
Ironically, rather than earning millions, Moni revealed that she had to borrow Rs 35,000 to sustain herself and her family amid declining sales. The exaggerated narrative of sudden wealth starkly contrasted with the financial struggles she and her family continued to face.
Social Media Sensation but No Financial Gains
Moni Bhonsle’s story highlights the double-edged sword of internet fame. While social media can bring attention and admiration, it does not always translate into financial success. In Moni’s case, the virality of her videos led to widespread misconceptions about her wealth, while in reality, she struggled to make ends meet.
The truth behind the Rs 100 million claim serves as a reminder to verify viral information before believing or sharing it. As Moni Bhonsle’s experience shows, not everything seen on social media reflects the real story.