Passport is the official travel document and if it is lost while travelling abroad, it creates lot of problems for people. In this article, you will get key information about steps that you should take in case you lost passport while travelling abroad.
1) Control Your Nerves
If you lose your passport during the trip, the most important thing you need to do is stay awake and think about where you last kept it or where you saw it. If possible, you can also visit places you have visited with your passport, such as a coffee shop or a restaurant.
2) Get Help from Social Media
Social media is the latest platform where people’s problems can be solved, all you have to do is upload the status to a large Twitter or Facebook group with your name, photo and necessary information. This will definitely help you find your passport sooner.
3) File an FIR
At the earliest opportunity, go to the nearest police station and file a report so that you can start working process for another passport or emergency permit.
4) Go to Your Country’s Embassy
Give a copy of the police report to the consulate or embassy and apply for an emergency permit. Once you get this permit, you will be able to return to your home country.
5) Change Your Flight
If you have to travel in a couple of days, change your flight. When traveling abroad, keep a photocopy of your passport and a scanned copy in your e-mail so that you can deal with any emergencies.