Alkhidmat Qurbani Hissa 2024: Prices, Booking and Donation Details

As Eid-ul-Adha approaches, many Muslims around the world prepare to fulfill the sacred act of Qurbani (sacrifice). Alkhidmat Foundation, renowned for its philanthropic efforts, offers a streamlined and compassionate way to perform your Qurbani in 2024. With Alkhidmat, not only do you ensure the ritual is conducted properly, but you also extend a helping hand to those in need.

Alkhidmat Qurbani Hissa Prices 2024

For 2024, Alkhidmat Foundation has set the prices for Qurbani Hissa to accommodate both Karachi residents and those living outside Karachi. The prices are as follows:

  • Qurbani- Goat/Sheep: PKR 51,000
  • Qurbani- Cow Share (Per Hissa): PKR 22,000
  • Qurbani- Full Cow: PKR 154,000

Why Choose Alkhidmat for Your Qurbani?

  1. Ease and Convenience: Alkhidmat handles all the logistics of Qurbani, from the selection of healthy animals to the distribution of meat. This means you can perform your religious obligation without the hassle of organizing the sacrifice yourself.
  2. Trustworthy and Transparent: Alkhidmat is a well-respected organization known for its transparency and efficiency. You can trust that your Qurbani will be performed according to Islamic principles and that the meat will be distributed fairly.
  3. Supporting the Needy: By choosing Alkhidmat, you have the option to donate your Qurbani Hissa to those in need. This noble gesture ensures that the joy of Eid reaches underprivileged families, providing them with nutritious meat during the festive season.

How to Book Alkhidmat Qurbani Hissa 2024?

Booking your Alkhidmat Qurbani Hissa is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Alkhidmat Website: Navigate to the official Alkhidmat Foundation website where you will find detailed information about the Qurbani program.
  2. Select Your Hissa: Choose between a cow or goat Hissa and specify whether it is for Karachi or outside Karachi.
  3. Make Payment: Follow the instructions to make a secure online payment. Alkhidmat accepts various payment methods for your convenience.
  4. Confirmation: Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email or SMS with details of your Qurbani Hissa.
  5. Updates and Notification: Alkhidmat will keep you informed throughout the process, from the purchase of the animal to the completion of the sacrifice and distribution of the meat.

Alkhidmat Foundation’s Qurbani Hissa 2024 program offers a hassle-free and impactful way to fulfill your religious duty. By participating, you not only perform a significant religious act but also contribute to the welfare of the needy. Book your Qurbani Hissa 2024 today and join hands with Alkhidmat in spreading joy and compassion this Eid-ul-Adha 2024.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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