Karachi to Experience Extreme Heat from May 21-27: Heatwave Warning Issued

In a crucial meeting chaired by the Director-General of the Provincial Disaster Management Authority, the Chief Secretary of Sindh issued a stern warning: a scorching heatwave is set to engulf the province from May 21 to May 27. As temperatures soar, Sindh residents must brace themselves for extreme conditions.

  • Heatwave Duration: May 21 to May 27
  • Severity: Severe
  • Projected Temperatures:
    • 21st to 23rd May: Daytime temperatures will be approximately 4-6°C above normal (around 35-40°C).
    • 23rd to 27th May: Expect even higher temperatures, 6-8°C above normal (approximately 45°C or above).

To combat this impending heatwave, authorities are taking the following steps:

  1. Heatstroke Stabilization Centers: These centers will be established at public and private hospitals, including mobile units near transit locations. Immediate medical assistance will be available.
  2. Awareness Campaigns: Public education on heatwave prevention and response is crucial. Stay informed!
  3. Emergency Helpline: A dedicated helpline will address the needs of affected individuals promptly.
  4. Water Supply: Farmers should ensure adequate water supply for agricultural activities.
  5. Emergency Relief Stockpiles: Necessary relief supplies and medicines will be stockpiled in vulnerable areas.

Remember, staying hydrated, seeking shade, and avoiding outdoor activities during peak hours are essential during this heatwave. Let’s prioritize safety and look out for one another!

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahidhttps://hamariweb.com/
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at hamariweb.com.


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