Indian Rupees to PKR Rate – Today INR to Pakistani Rupee 31 May 2023

In today’s update on May 31, 2023, the currency conversion rate from 1 Indian Rupee (INR) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) stands at Rs. 3.45. The Indian Rupee to PKR rate experiences regular fluctuations, making it important to stay informed about the latest exchange rates. For a comprehensive understanding, we provide the buying and selling rates for 1 INR to PKR over the past 10 days.

The currency exchange market is a dynamic environment, with rates constantly changing. As of May 31, 2023, the conversion rate from 1 INR to PKR is set at Rs. 3.45. It’s crucial to note that this rate is subject to fluctuations, and it is advisable to stay updated with the latest changes to make informed decisions regarding currency conversions.

1 INR To PKR Open Market Forex Rates Archive

29 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.463.57
28 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.473.58
27 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.473.58
26 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.473.58
25 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.473.58
24 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.463.57
23 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.463.57
22 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.463.57
21 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.563.67
20 May, 20231 INR To PKR3.563.67

For those interested in a more detailed analysis, we offer a historical overview of the buying and selling rates for 1 INR to PKR over the past 10 days. This information allows individuals and businesses to track the currency’s performance and make informed decisions based on historical trends.

Monitoring currency fluctuations is essential, particularly for businesses engaged in cross-border trade or individuals planning to travel. Being aware of the latest rates helps in budgeting, financial planning, and staying informed about the economic climate.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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