Farmers in Sindh and South Punjab to Benefit from New Heat-Resistant Hybrid Rice Variety

Exciting news for farmers in Sindh and South Punjab! A groundbreaking heat-resistant hybrid rice variety is set to revolutionize farming in the region. After a successful trial in Larkana by Yuan Longping High-Tech, a top Chinese agricultural company, and Guard Agricultural Research & Services, this 14th Hybrid Rice variety brings higher yields and resilience to heat.

Momin Ali Malik, Guard’s Seed Division Executive, shared, “The new variety has more yield potential and is heat-tolerant, addressing challenges from high temperatures.” After three years of trials, it’s ready for commercial planting in the next season.

This innovative rice, developed through Sino-Pak collaboration, outshines previous varieties, with an impressive potential of over 150 maunds per acre, up from the previous 120 maunds. Journalists from Lahore, along with Chinese and local scientists, witnessed the new variety near harvest during a recent visit to Larkana.

Guard Agricultural Research & Services has been at the forefront of introducing hybrid rice technology since the early 2000s, doubling per-acre rice yield and uplifting farmers in Sindh and Southern Punjab. As the new season approaches, farmers can look forward to increased productivity and resilience in the face of climate challenges, marking a significant step forward in regional agriculture.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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