NADRA Family Tree Verification: Check Your Family Tree Online or by SMS

Discovering your family tree is now easier than ever with NADRA’s digital advancements. The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has introduced an online portal and an SMS service, allowing every local citizen to access their family tree information conveniently. Say goodbye to long queues and waiting areas at NADRA offices, and embrace the time and energy-saving benefits of this innovative service. This article will guide you through the process of checking your family tree and highlight the essential benefits and purposes of NADRA’s SMS service.

How to Check Your NADRA Family Tree by SMS:

NADRA has simplified the process of checking your family tree via SMS. Follow these simple steps to retrieve your family tree details:

1. Ensure your CNIC is registered with your current address.

2. Send a text message to 8008, including your CNIC number (with or without dashes).

3. Receive a quick reply with all the registered names of your family members.

Benefits of NADRA SMS Service:

The NADRA SMS service offers various advantages to citizens seeking to verify their family trees:

1. Saves Time and Energy: Avoid taking time off from work to visit NADRA offices, as you can now access your family tree details from the comfort of your home.

2. No More Waiting: Bid farewell to long queues and waiting times at NADRA offices, as the SMS service provides instant results.

3. Quick Reporting: If any illegal associations are found within your family record, you can promptly report the matter for resolution.

4. Easy Verification: Once the official re-verification drive begins, you can conveniently verify the head of your family.

5. Helpline and SMS Gateway: NADRA has established a helpline capable of handling 10,000 calls daily and an SMS gateway issuing 150,000 SMS daily for improved assistance.

Purpose of Launching the Nadra Family Tree Verification Service:

The primary objectives of launching the SMS service for family tree verification are as follows:

1. Identify Illegal Registrations: The service aims to identify and report any unlawfully registered individuals who do not belong to your family but are included in your family tree record.

2. Re-verification Drive: Citizens can participate in the re-verification drive once it officially commences.

3. Efficient Communication: NADRA’s helpline and SMS gateway facilitate seamless communication and quick issue resolution.


Q: What is NADRA’s Family Tree Verification service?

A: It allows citizens to check their registered family members’ names and details associated with their CNIC through an online portal or SMS.

Q: How can I check my family tree using the SMS service?

A: Send an SMS with your CNIC number (with/without dashes) to 8008 to receive the names of your registered family members.

Q: Can I report inaccuracies in my family tree through this service?

A: Yes, you can report any illegal registrations or inaccuracies in your family tree to NADRA for resolution.

Q: Is the online portal secure for accessing personal information?

A: Yes, NADRA’s online portal ensures robust security measures to protect your personal data and maintain confidentiality.

Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra
Syeda Qandeel Zehra, an MBA holder with four years of content writing experience, is a versatile writer adept in news, blogs, and articles. Specializing in SEO content, she combines business insight with engaging storytelling. Keen on staying updated with industry trends, Syeda crafts compelling and high-ranking content that resonates with her audience.


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