Schools in Lahore Ban Underage Student Drivers from Premises

In a decisive move, the Education Authority Lahore has taken a firm stance against underage students operating motorcycles and cars without a valid driving license. The directive, communicated via an official statement to the heads of all educational institutions in the provincial capital, aims to address the challenges posed by underage driving to both traffic management and the administrations of educational establishments.

Issued on a Tuesday, the communiqué emphatically states, “Underage students should not be allowed to park bikes and cars within the school’s jurisdiction, and any violation will result in action against the head of the respective institution.”

Going beyond the prohibition, the Education Authority Lahore is urging class leaders to actively guide underage students away from using bikes and cars. Additionally, they have mandated the organization of lectures to raise awareness about traffic rules among students. The objective is not just enforcement but education, emphasizing responsible behavior on the road.

The authority is extending its reach to teachers, assigning them the crucial role of contacting parents whose children are found using bikes or cars without a proper driving license. This outreach is deemed essential as such actions are not only a breach of rules but also pose serious hazards to the lives of others on the road.

This proactive step by the Education Authority Lahore highlights a commitment to fostering a safe and responsible environment for both students and the wider community. By combining strict measures with educational initiatives, the authority aims to instill a sense of responsibility and adherence to traffic regulations among the younger demographic.

As educational institutions collaborate in implementing these directives, the move is anticipated to not only enhance safety on the roads but also contribute to the overall civic education of the students, preparing them for a more responsible and law-abiding future.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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