Regal Autos Offers 12-Month Installment Plans for Prince Pearl and K01 Models

In Pakistan’s challenging automotive landscape, marked by declining sales and ongoing production hurdles, the local car industry is seeking solutions to rekindle interest and enhance accessibility for prospective buyers. In response to this pressing need, Regal Automobiles has introduced a groundbreaking pricing initiative for its Prince Pearl and K01 vehicle models, revolutionizing the financial aspects of car ownership.

Regal Autos offers a 12-month installment plan for Prince Pearl and K01 models, boosting financial flexibility for buyers and expanding the customer base. This move aims to address economic challenges in Pakistan’s car market, making vehicles more accessible.

The Prince Pearl, originally priced at Rs. 1,850,000, can now be purchased with a 12-month installment plan at the same price, making it more affordable and convenient for aspiring car owners.

Similarly, the K01 variant, with an initial price of Rs. 2,070,000, follows suit with a 12-month installment plan that allows customers to pay the same price through twelve equal monthly installments.

Regal Autos is a trusted partner, eager to help buyers seize opportunities and ensure customer satisfaction, showing dedication to market needs.

Regal Automobiles’ pricing strategy can revive Pakistan’s auto market, giving hope to consumers and manufacturers. With Regal leading, the future looks promising for Pakistan’s auto industry.

Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid
Rida Shahid is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background in Political Science. She is imaginative, diligent, and well-versed in research techniques. Her essay displays her analytical style quite well. She is currently employed as English content writer at


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