Sugar crisis in Pakistan is also expected after flour shortage

There is bad news for the people of Pakistan as now after the shortage flour, the country may also face sugar crisis in the upcoming days.

Sugar crisis in Pakistan can affect the country as the shortage of said commodity is observed. It is noted that in last 15 months, sugar prices have reached at Rs 64 per Kg. However, in last 7 days, the wholesale rate of sugar in Pakistan is Rs 64 to Rs 74, and the acute shortage is prevailing in the country.

In 2019, Pakistan produced 600,000 tons sugar but, the wholesale rate of sugar in Pakistan can be reached to Rs 80 per kilogram in a week. Moreover, if government did not take adequate action against the sugar export then it can hit Rs 100 per kg in Pakistan.

On the other side, the wheat crisis in Pakistan has become a severe issue. Earlier, Federal Minister Khusro Bakhtiar said that the government has taken steps to effectively deal with the flour crisis in Pakistan and the smuggling of wheat.

Faizanullah Hussainy
Faizanullah Hussainy
Syed Faizanullah Hussainy is a senior content writer with writing expertise in different niches. He is an Electronics Engineer by qualification and loves to write about different topics. He has six years of writing experience and currently working as a content writer at


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